Battlefield Sites Today
It has now been over 63 years since the end of World War II and the tropical islands, once the scene of so much death and destruction have for the most part returned to their pre-battle beauty. The scars and remnants of the battles have all but disappeared, however traces still exist. Bunkers, as on Roi-Namur, rusted artillery and parts of ships and tanks and the other mechanics of war can still be found often covered with tropical growth. The black blood soaked volcanic sand of Iwo Jima is still there and you don't have to try very hard to imagine how it was in 1945.
The pictures of Roi-Namur are courtesy of I am extremely pleased to present their pictures and the link to their website on these pages. The beautiful pictures from this idylic island are among the best I have ever seen, and this is from myself a former Navy Photographer.
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